As I stood over a sink of warm running water, preparing to wash off my flawless Fenty face after another disappointing first date, I looked at myself in the mirror and exclaimed — “I quit!” Mind you, as a successful attorney, “I quit” wasn’t a phrase I was used to hearing come out of my mouth. But that’s just how frustrated I’d become with dating in D.C. I must have gone on over fifty dates that year and even tried online speed dating for Black professionals, yet there I was, still single.

I know what you’re thinking — “Girl, there are good men out there. You’re probably just being too picky.” My retort — “Well damn, I’m a good negotiator but certain things I shouldn’t have to compromise on.” I want chemistry. I want a real connection. I deserve love. Where were all the men equally yoked?
And frankly, I’m not alone in my frustrations. I’d too often heard similar grievances about dating being passed around the table like a plate of tapas while brunching with my girlfriends — all amazingly talented and successful Black women. “Online dating sucks!” “Dating is pointless.” “I’m over these online dating games.” “But what are our alternatives? Everyone uses apps like Bumble vs Tinder vs Hinge.” “How else am I supposed to meet people near me?” True, technology and dating apps are pretty ubiquitous today. While unavoidable and convenient to use, we all lamented about the countless hours wasted swiping on low-quality matches, engaging in dead-end texting, and going on disappointing first date after disappointing first date.
Things got so bleak I considered shelling out money for a traditional high-end matchmaking service to meet local singles near me, but even on my attorney salary most were just too expensive (30G’s?! Aht-aht! I still owe Sallie Mae.). On top of the high price tag, their clientele didn’t look like me (I searched for the best online dating sites for Black women professionals and dating apps for Black women)! Which wasn’t particularly surprising and only reinforced what too many Black women already know when it comes to dating apps and services — they place us at the bottom of their priority list (if we make the list at all), failing to address our specific needs, desires, and demographic.
This all got me thinking (as I sipped my third mimosa), where do all the great, qualified singles go to meet black women? If there is no service that speaks to the needs of my female friends and I, why not create one? A for-us-by-us dating app! Am I crazy? Are the champagne bubbles going to my head? I mean, I’m an attorney, with no technical experience. Where would I even start? Well, if there’s one thing Black women are good at, it’s solving our own problems. And I became so committed to solving our dating dilemma that I quit my job to tackle this problem head on. Now, after years of research and development, I’m ready to share the solution with all of you!
CarpeDM is a dating service that seamlessly marries the convenience of an award-winning video dating app with the personal touch of a dedicated human Matchmaker — all at a price that is well within reach. We’re not just a Black dating app., We’re more than that, CarpeDM is the premiere dating community dedicated to singles seeking meaningful relationships with professional Black women, like you!
We know chemistry is key to a successful, meaningful relationship. That’s why CarpeDM was designed in consultation with a Black female psychologist — with a focus on creating matches based on true compatibility. In addition to conducting background checks and providing each member a dedicated Matchmaker, we also employ a patented (Yes, patented. I’m a lawyer after all.) matching process that requires members to have a 5–10 minute video date within 72 hours of matching. That’s right, you get real. Fast! Only couples who agree to remain matched after their first video date are able to take their relationship to the next level. Not only do you get to date from the comfort of home before meeting in person (no more wasted Fenty), but our video dating approach is also safer and COVID-19 friendly!

So, you may be wondering, “Naza, where’d you find all these amazing single men to join CarpeDM?” Well, you’d be surprised how easy it is to find great guys when it’s your job! Meeting Black men online (and offline), especially single Black professionals, is easier than ever, if you know where to look. In fact, meeting men of all ethnicities and backgrounds is our forte (I can’t tell you how many times non-Black men have asked me how they should approach a beautiful Black woman they want to get to know!). Not only has my team built a diverse single’s network through strategic partnerships with male-centric organizations, but we’re also relentless about getting the best of the best to join our community. Yes, that even means approaching that handsome guy shopping in Wholefoods or chatting up that group of bachelors playing basketball at Equinox. We’re passionate about connecting people and we do the work to ensure you’ll be in good company.
I get it, it’s hard to invest your hopes, let alone money, in another dating product. But our exclusive, vetted community of high-quality, relationship-minded singles, all committed to finding love with the most amazing Black women the DMV area has to offer, is like none other. That’s because our goal is not to serve the masses; it’s to serve you!
CarpeDM is our solution and frankly, it’s long overdue. My team and I are excited to provide a community created to help Black women find loving relationships and to provide those worthy and interested in dating us a way to connect. Finally, the dating app Black women deserve!
So, what are you waiting for? Join us!
Got online dating questions? To learn all the ways CarpeDM is the premier Black women dating site catering to the needs and desires of professional Black women in the digital dating era, visit our website or follow us on Instagram for launch updates!
Seize the Dating!